Welcome to Artsy Traveler

Thank you for signing up for my European travel news, advice, tips, recommendations, suggestions, celebrations, and all things artsy!

I’m so pleased to share content designed to help you enjoy Europe as an Artsy Traveler.

Author Carol Cram in Florence
Here I am hangin’ out in Florence where you can’t go ten feet without bumping into a Renaissance masterpiece! Read My Story here.

Periodically, you’ll receive information designed to help you plan and experience a great trip to Europe. 
I’m so excited to share what I’ve learned and experienced during over thirty years of European travel.
Yes – thirty years! 
Actually, it’s a few more years than that, but who’s counting? 
The point is that I’m here to help you—the traveler who loves the arts, enjoys comfort on a budget and just might be 55+ (like me!).
Travel on a shoestring isn’t your thing anymore; nor are lumpy mattresses in overcrowded youth hostels, cheap street food, and sleeping on trains.
On Artsy Traveler, you’ll find tips and recommendations about enjoying arts-focused European travel in comfort and on a budget. 
It’s just that the budget isn’t quite as low as it used to be!
To start, here’s your FREE European Travel Kit including 9 Steps to Planning Your Perfect European Trip.
9 Steps to Planning Your Perfect European Trip
Over the years, I’ve developed a trip planning system that I’m excited to share. Each step in the process flows naturally into the next with steps overlapping. Trip planning can be almost as much fun as the trip itself! 
6 Steps to Finding Awesome Accommodation in Europe
The difference between okay accommodation in Europe and GREAT accommodation is often not as significant as you might think. Use these steps to sort through the choices to get exactly the right place where for making awesome memories. 
Top Ten Modern Art Museums in Europe
One significant reason people travel to Europe is to tour art museums and see first-hand the incredible artistic output of humanity over millennia. This article focuses on modern art museums in Europe. If you’ve been to Europe, see if your favorites are on the list and if you haven’t been to Europe, use the list as a starting point to plan your trip.
Any questions? Please drop me a line at carol.artsy.traveler@gmail.com
Travel Happy!
Carol Cram – The Artsy Traveler